Broke to $90,000 on YouTube in Less Than 8 Months

In less than eight months, how do you go from shutting down your business to earning nearly $100,000 teaching dance on YouTube?



I recently came across Monika’s dance videos on YouTube, which led me to find out her story.

Monika has been instructing dance classes for more than a decade.

I was instructing students on what was popular in New York at the time. Styles such as hip hop, salsa, first dance, and slow dancing for couples are all available. Ironically, it was her apprehension about dancing that ultimately drew her to YouTube. When I was in high school, I was extremely self-conscious. I would never, ever leave the house.

Everyone else in my social circle was going out and having a good time on the dance floor at various social gatherings, while I was staying at home. I was paralyzed by fear of being judged. I didn’t want anyone to look at me at all. I recall there was this one night when I was already a college student. I went to the club and saw people having a good time on the dance floor, and I was envious. I recall promising myself at the time that I would learn how to do it. I’m not going to let anything hold me back any longer.

I didn’t want to be the best; all I wanted to do was blend in with the other dancers. So I began to study. I began instructing myself. There was no YouTube back then, so I would watch music videos on VHS every day, recording, rewinding, and learning the moves. After a few years, I finished third in the National Freestyle Championships in my home country of Poland. Monika never forgot the feeling of being paralyzed by the fear of being judged, even as an award-winning dancer, and she used her story and that experience to fuel her entire business. Your niche is you. I understand how it feels to be that anxious, strange person who is constantly missing out on things. As a result, I want to assist people like that. Why can’t you do it because I did? You, too, can overcome it.

But she realized that no one else teaches people how to dance to top 40 songs or music currently playing on the radio. That was not the case. That’s how she came across it. This is her little one.




1xTop Writer. VR, Product & Design. Email: emailtosumeetk(at)